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Effective April 1st, 2024

In the subprocessor list below, you can find information about the third parties engages to help us process personal data provided to us where acts as a data controller, such as with respect to personal data we receive, process, store, or host when you use's AI-driven learning experiences as an individual user. These processing activities are subject to's policies, procedures, and other agreements, including its Privacy Policy or Data Processing Addendum.

Subprocessor Purpose Location
Anthropic AI model training and inference United States
Groq AI model training and inference United States
OpenAI AI model training and inference United States
Supabase Database hosting and storage European Union
Google Cloud Platform Cloud infrastructure European Union Cloud infrastructure European Union
Sentry Error handling, user support European Union
Stripe Billing and payment processing European Union
Mailchimp Email communications European Union

Please note that this list may be updated from time to time as we engage new subprocessors or change existing ones. We will notify users of any material changes to this list, as appropriate, and update the Effective Date at the top of this page. We encourage you to review this page for updates when you access the Services.

If you have any questions or comments about our use of subprocessors, please contact us via