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Cookie Policy

Effective April 1st, 2024 is dedicated to transforming traditional learning paradigms through AI-driven experiences. Our mission is to make learning complex topics both fun and fast for everyone, leveraging gamification to simplify and enliven education.

This policy provides information about how and when we, our service providers, and our business partners use cookies, beacons, pixels, or similar technologies ("cookies"). For more information about cookies, see Terms used in this policy but not defined here have their meaning set forth in our Privacy Policy, which also includes additional details about the collection and use of information at

How Uses Cookies:

We use cookies to manage the Services and to collect information about you and your use of the Services. Cookies help us to recognize you, customize or personalize your experience, market additional products or services to you, and analyze the use of our Services to make it more useful to you. Cookies may also allow us to collect demographic and statistical data and provide this information to our service providers to help deliver their services.

We use cookies for the following purposes. You can also visit our cookies table to learn more.

Purpose Description
Necessary These are cookies necessary to use our Services, for example: cookies to help us detect and prevent malicious activity or fraudulent usage, and when you sign in to use our Services, cookies that help us show you the correct information and preferences associated with your account.
Analytics We use cookies to understand the general usage of, and to improve, our Services (for example, to help us measure how many people interact with our Services). We may collect technical information, such as pages visited and how your web browser interacts with our Services.
Marketing Cookies help us market our Services more effectively to users that we, our service providers, and our business partners believe may be interested in using our Services. They also help provide us with aggregated reporting and help us know when marketing content has been shown to you.

Managing Your Cookie Settings Most browsers allow you to remove or manage cookie functions and adjust your privacy and security preferences. For information on how to do this, access the "help" menu on your browser, or access Due to differences between websites and other technologies, you may need to take additional steps to opt out. Please check your settings for additional information. Please note, however, that disabling all cookies may mean that you may not be able to take full advantage of our Services.

You can control how and when your personal data is shared or used for purposes of advertising about's AI services by clicking on the Privacy Choices link at the bottom of the page or enabling global privacy controls.

Do Not Track. Some web browsers provide a "Do Not Track" option. We currently do not respond to browser "Do Not Track" signals.

Changes to Our Cookie Policy may update this Cookie Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes to this Cookie Policy, as appropriate, and update the Effective Date at the top of this page. We encourage you to review this page for updates when you access the Services.

Contact Us If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via